The blockbuster hit movie starring Margot Robbie as America’s iconic doll has not only been a smash hit for Mattel but has helped to boost the sales for other toymakers offering something in Barbie pink.
The blockbuster hit movie starring Margot Robbie as America’s iconic doll has not only been a smash hit for Mattel but has helped to boost the sales for other toymakers offering something in Barbie pink.
It’s obvious toymakers have a great sense of humor but even the most imaginative person would have trouble coming up with an idea for a toy every child might like for Christmas.
The blockbuster hit movie starring Margot Robbie as America’s iconic doll has not only been a smash hit for Mattel but has helped to boost the sales for other toymakers offering something in Barbie pink.
The blockbuster hit movie starring Margot Robbie as America’s iconic doll has not only been a smash hit for Mattel but has helped to boost the sales for other toymakers offering something in Barbie pink.