UpdatedTue, May 4, 2021 at 5:27 pm PT
The county s 2020 Point-In-Time County found around 1,897 people experiencing homelessness in Pierce County, though that number has likely grown during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Shutterstock)
PIERCE COUNTY, WA The Pierce County Council is considering a plan that could end street homelessness inside the county by the end of the year.
Tuesday morning, the county council s Human Services Committee forwarded a proposal to dramatically expand access to emergency shelters by Nov. 1, enough to provide shelter for every single person struggling with homelessness in the county, getting them off the street and safe indoors.
As Pierce County Council Chair Derek Young stresses, that doesn t mean the plan will fix all problems surrounding homelessness in the county, but it will give homeless residents somewhere safe to stay where they can access important services.
Pierce County Sheriff Ed Troyer. (KIRO 7)
Pierce County Council released an update on its investigation into Sheriff Ed Troyer on Tuesday, laying out its expansive scope in the coming weeks.
That came alongside the announcement that former U.S. District Attorney Brian Moran has accepted the Pierce County Council’s offer to lead the investigation, after the two parties agreed to expand the scope of the inquiry.
Troyer recently came under scrutiny following the revelation of a late-January incident, where he called the police on a Black newspaper delivery driver. Then, in late March, Pierce County Council Chair Derek Young directed council staff to begin the process of investigating the incident.
State says Pierce Co. has not accepted all of the vaccines offered. Health dept disagrees
News Tribune, Tacoma, Wash. 2 hrs ago Josephine Peterson and Debbie Cockrell, The News Tribune (Tacoma, Wash.)
Apr. 8 During Wednesday s Tacoma-Pierce County Board of Health meeting, questions arose over why Pierce County was lagging in its vaccine distribution and had perhaps turned down vaccines.
Health officials pushed back on the assertions, stating no vaccines had been rejected, and also said the state had initially been off in its allocations.
The vaccine update presented at Wednesday s meeting comes as the county teeters on falling back into Phase 2, according to warnings Wednesday from local officials.
Pierce County Council tags former US attorney to investigate Sheriff Ed Troyer
Pierce County Council Chair Derek Young. (Pierce County Television, YouTube)
Pierce County Council approved a motion Tuesday to contract former U.S. District Attorney Brian Moran to head up an investigation into Sheriff Ed Troyer.
Troyer recently came under scrutiny following the revelation of a late-January incident, where he called the police on a Black newspaper delivery driver. Then in late March, Pierce County Council Chair Derek Young directed council staff to begin the process of investigating the incident.
The incident in question was first reported on by the Seattle Times, describing how Troyer had reported seeing a car moving in and out of a neighbor’s driveway at 2 a.m. with its headlights off. He then confronted the driver, identified as 24-year-old Sedrick Altheimer, before making a call to dispatch that had an estimated 42 units from around the region sent to the scene.