If there's one thing that Kevin O’Leary and Suze Orman have in common it's their hold-nothing-back approach to financial advice. Although they don’t agree on everything, a segment on "CNBC Make It" highlights a shared piece of advice: You should never buy a new car (or perhaps any car). "You're thinking about buying a car, but let me give you a new idea," O'Leary said. "Don't. "You should never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever lease a car," Orman added. Don't Miss: If the average American household
In general, Gen Zers are up against some tough financial obstacles. They're cornered into frugality due to increasingly high costs of living, yet at the same time facing pressure to spend, in part.
Though the United States is one of the wealthiest countries in the world, 11.5% or nearly 38 million Americans live in poverty, as of 2022. That translates to just under $30,000 per year for a.
It takes discipline to save up $15,000. But it only takes a few poor decisions to lose that $15,000 forever. I'm a Financial Advisor: Here's the No. 1 Piece of Advice I Would Give My Younger SelfFind.