by the way, that was before some idiot tried to pie murdoch. the young woman in pink whose lightning reflex and devastating chuck norrisesque hand speed subdues him. that woman is rupert murdoch s wife, wendy. now, i m not a big proponent of the four decade marriage age gap. but if ever there was a situation where it would pay dividends, it would be an ambush like that. of course the attack occurred after a period of the testimony where murdoch may have appeared somewhat vulnerable. asleep. what?
of the newspaper before you get to that, i d just like to say one sentence. this is the most humble day of my life. not so humble you couldn t wait for your turn to talk. by the way, that was before some idiot tried to pie murdoch. the young woman in pink whose lightning reflex and devastating chuck norrisesque hand speed subdues him. that woman is rupert murdoch s wife, wendy. now, i m not a big proponent of the four decade marriage age gap. but if ever there was a situation where it would pay dividends, it would be an ambush