Section 3211(a)(8) of the Civil Practice Law and Rule (“CPLR”) allows a party to “move for judgment dismissing one or more causes of action asserted against him on the ground that … the.
The Kofi Annan Foundation is delighted to announce that it has received important new grants and donations. These will greatly help us deliver on our mission to build on Kofi Annan’s legacy for peace by advancing democracy, youth leadership and international cooperation.
On January 13, 2023, the New York State Commercial Division issued a decision in Bangladesh Bank v. Rizal Commercial Banking Corp., et al., Index No. 652051/2020, that continued New.
New York courts can assert personal jurisdiction over foreign banks, Bangladesh Bank v. Rizal Commercial Banking plaintiff alleged defendants stole more than $101 mil from an account at Federal Reserve Bank of New York, issued multiple unauthorized payment orders to transfer funds