Astronomers record lunar formation processes around exoplanets – Sidereal Messenger
ksuadminJuly 26, 2021 6
Astronomers have received the first unequivocal observations that the moon formation takes place around an exoplanet in the PDS 70 system, about 370 light years from here, in the constellation Centaur.
In this case, the PDS is not Paulo Maluf’s old party, but it is still from Brazil-sil-sil. It is the acronym for Pico dos Dias Survey, a catalog of young stars identified by the Pico dos Dias Observatory in Itajubá (MG) since 1989.
The PDS 70 system in particular is of great importance. The two well-known planets PDS 70b and c were discovered in 2018 and 2019 through direct observation with the VLT (Very Large Telescope), also in Chile. And last year, an international group used the Hubble Space Telescope to measure the accretion process (growth) of the innermost of them, the PDS 70b. This is why the system is so attractive to astronomers: at around 5 million years ol