was a fraud the day i met him, and it was quite easy to pickf out. au well, so you assessed hisy character and his vibe because you met with in person. you also assessed, you know, the the fundamentals of his company. as someone involved in business would. why didn t the regulators do that? where was gary gensler? well, i don t know what gary gensler was, but my regulator at the cftc, i bribed i asked them why in the world are you invoking the commodity exchange act, section five , paragraph b , which says commission will entertain innovation. it also says in that same part of the act that you will protect market under surveillancegraph- and everythin else to protect the consumers that are using those markets. sue marketthey were using that. i want to know, was thereessure pressure put on the agency from politicians or not? and there hearingslitician comie i hope someone has the courage to take on a commissionerto tak to the cftc and others and ask them why they were trying to