in dublin i got in a taxi, the driver asked me why i was there, i told him, he said, that pierre. he was a hero. the whole of ireland knew about him. we had his funeral in the local church. i chose a photo of pierre i had taken of him that was cheeky and showed his side. speaking at pierre s funeral was such an honor, there were people there who knew him longer, we were all dealing with the shock and horror of what happened. we wanted to be behind the cameras. michelle is his life long partner. they had a gr great love
that was not what i wanted to hear. she straight away introduced herself, i am susan scott from fox news. there has been an accident. and benji is critical. and i said how critical? he said, very critical. and she said keep praying. i remember those words, keep praying, i was like okay. i said where is pierre, she said, he is missing. i said okay. a got a phone call from suzanne scott, she said, that they had been missing for 5 hours. i thought, no big deal, he has been missing before, i figured, i said that to suzanne, i m sure they are just hhunkered down,
he was one of the two people who knew some of my secrets. took them to grave. i informed the bosses of the findings, they asked me to take part in the call where we were going to break the news to michelle, pierre s wife. pierre was my soul mate. i just keep thinking he s going to come back. i miss him. he is gone. that s it. she cried. but she was wanted to know what we were planning to do, what the next steps are,
about 30 yards in front of us. immediately pierre shouts quickly, reverse, reverse, get backwards. the ukrainians couldn t get into reverse and out of nowhere, the second one lands. i went black at that point. i say black because it was like death. i wasn t just con cussed but i was out. out of nowhere, i just hear my daughters voice, honor, and honor says to me, daddy, you ve got to get out of the car. you ve got to get out of the car. got to come to. i m all confused but i open my is straight away eyes straight away and move to open the door outside of the car and
i think we ll have a lasts friendship, benji said pierre saved his life. i can thank pierre every time i hug my children, i think about him a lot. because, michelle, his family lost a huge amount, they lost the very center of their of their lives. and i didn t lose that. that thanks to pierre. we sat face-to-face in the office. i just see a wall now, every time i walk in it. it gets my stomach. he was a two desks down from me. every day i come into the office, i feel his loss. i never thought this could happen to pierre, you know. i sleep with his favorite