Stephen Wolfram explores simple models of biological organisms as computational systems. A study of progressive development, multiway graphs of all possible paths and the need for narrowing the framework space.
Wolfram s Version 14 includes expansive connections to and from LLMs. New learning tools, including courses and books. Plus, functionality advances in math, core language, video objects, trees, finite fields, Knowledgebase, systems engineering, graphics. Astro, biological and chemical computation.
Stephen Wolfram explores multiway systems as minimal models for growth processes based on aggregation and tiling. Also, how to use this concrete application as a way to develop further intuition about multiway systems in general.
Introducing The Ruliad by definition the biggest object in metascience. the infinite limit of all abstraction, encompassing all possible views of our universe, our mathematics and all formal systems.
In his TED Talk, Stephen Wolfram covers the emergence of space by the application of computational rules to spacetime, gravity and quantum mechanics to AI and LLMs. Computational irreducibility and the ruliad.