On January 30, 2023, the White House issued a statement that the Biden Administration will end the COVID-19 public health emergency on May 11, 2023. President Biden confirmed this event.
Digital health services have exploded since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, and behavioral health services have seen large increases in utilization. Prior to the pandemic, telehealth visits for mental health.
The available evidence does not indicate that a public plan modeledon Medicare could provide health care comparable to that offered byexisting private plans, let alone at a lower cost. Contrary toproponents' claims, a public plan could not achieve cost savings orsubstantially reduce the number of uninsured without substantiallyreducing the quality and access to health care that Americanscurrently enjoy.
Year-end spending-bill negotiations in Congress are far from reaching their peak, but it’s already apparent how easily they can set off outsized reactions among skilled nursing stakeholders.