Return of The Railway Children! Filming takes place in Yorkshire at the SAME iconic Oakworth Station for the new sequel – 50 years after original s release
The original film, released in 1970 was based on the novel by E Nesbit, which tells the story of the three Waterbury children - Bobbie (Jenny Agutter), Phyllis (Sally Thomsett) and Peter (Gary Warren)
Anticipated sequel, to be released in April 2022, will see a group of children evacuated to a Yorkshire village during World War II and there they come across a young soldier who similarly is far away from his home
The Railway Children Return will feature key locations as first seen in the original, including West Yorkshire s iconic Oakworth Station, The Bronte Parsonage and Haworth
A gentler Britain: why The Railway Children deserves its return
The beloved 1970 film is getting a sequel, with Jenny Agutter involved. No wonder its message of optimism has endured through the decades
7 May 2021 • 9:33am
Our young heroes try to stop the train in the opening scenes of The Railway Children (1970)
Credit: Capital
“Daddy, my daddy.” These words, cried out by Jenny Agutter as Bobbie, near the end of the 1970 film adaptation of The Railway Children, have been etched on the nation’s heart for half a century. In an extraordinary slow-motion scene, we see Bobbie drawn to the train station for a reason she can’t quite articulate, and through the swirling steam on the platform she sees a tall silhouette, familiar but not overly so.