at newark at 3:45. you can take me out for supper. returning via dulles on sunday. unfortunately, $989. i ll put it on your credit card. if you show up at 4:00 in newark, i will pick you up. i have to get to heathrow now. i ll be there. all right. bring your family with you. we have to show this for the caption contest. take a look at this photo. upper left corn he, you see a dot. do you know what that is? if you look really close. you can go on twitter and check it out. it s a frog. in the middle of a space launch. and it s not a fake. they basically caught it with their still photography system that captures the launch. so we want a caption for this, folks. your best and most creative ones. use the #way too witty. nasa said they do not know the