trump organization. that is said to be a campaign finance violation because it becomes a campaign contribution from cohen; right? that s what makes it a campaign finance violation? it is a campaign contribution because the main purpose of the payment was to benefit the campaign. jon: right. at least if you are take to cohen s word under oath to a federal judge, again at his word. jon: so here s what the president s lawyer tweeted out the other day, rudy said rudy giuliani we re talking about her says if there s any justice left at doj why is payment by hilary clinton and dnc to fusion gps for the phony steele dossier not under investigation. under your theory cohen plea it s an illegal campaign contribution. does he have a point? the clinton campaign was paying for the steele dossier which was designed to influence the election in the same way that
2008 campaign which they were right about. let me say that i agree with something said. which is that steele is a renowned mi6 agent and a foreign service agent. as to why they funneled it and laundered it through him that you ve got a problem. i think he just gave credence to the rest of the dossier. trey gowdy didn t say who it was but let s stipulate laura: devin nunes did the same thing. i ve never heard of cody shearer. you haven t worked with the clintons as long as i have. i actually have, i wasn t fired by them. laura: that s a low blow. said is a lot more of a character than you are portraying. i m not defending him. but i think the most important thing is the notion that the
hired in 1997, they were the two man bomb squad committed to smearing and slamming anyone who is making life difficult for the president and mrs. clinton. he was a prime grand jury witness during the monica lewinsky scandal and is credited to licking nasty stories to the press to defile the reputation of the special prosecutor ken starr. hold onto that thought. blumenthal affectionately known as sid vicious was one of hillary s most loyal enablers and fiercest attack dogs. as the ultimate washington insider, he glommed onto the clintons and his association with them became the meal ticket that never ran out. think of it this way, like a magnet on a piece of rotting carrion except nastier. when it comes to the phony steele dossier, i always knew
the fbi ready to spy on an american, not to go to the president. i think that would be weird not to say we are about to do this. we thought we should give you a heads up. and go to the president and say this is what we are putting together. we think you should be apprised of this. do you think this is okay? your previous segment, that they hired steele to produce the dossier and they also told him what to put in it. did they tell him to put in at? laura: who paid for the dossier probably not. one time i would love to come on this show and it debated the g.o.p. about facts, not conjecture. not guessing. we don t even know whether barack obama asked for that information you re relying on the texts. laura: you re a as i am, contemporaneous recordings whether it s text messages or both call recordings are quite reliable in court.
of the information in it came from sid blumenthal then we ll talk about cody shearer. i said this on your show last week, they couldn t publish the negative research that they did under their names because they were so discredited. so they laundered it through steele. he is a foreign service person, head of the russia bureau of am i six. am i six, it was presented as his work, it would be a better chance of taken seriously. i believe that most of the dossier was written by shearer into blumenthal. they are the class a dirty ops, black ops people. hillary at one point called me in the 96 campaign and said i