Title: The Rise of Phishing Scams: How to Recognize and Avoid Online Fraud Introduction: In today's digital age, online fraud has become a looming threat, and one prevalent and concerning form of cybercrime is phishing scams. Phishing attempts continue to rise, becoming more sophisticated and targeting unsuspecting individuals through various online channels. This article aims . Read moreThe Rise of Phishing Scams: How to Recognize and Avoid Online Fraud
Do you regularly scroll through beautiful pins, plan your dream wedding, or get inspired for home improvement projects on Pinterest? If so, you are probably a Pinterest user, and you are not immune to threats online. Do you ever come across a suspicious pin that is possibly a phishing attempt on Pinterest? In this article, […]
Smishing Scam: Government Warns Citizens: Smishing scam, a portmanteau of SMS and Phishing worries the public. The Indian government has issued a warning against this new scam.