loosening being proposed. they re more effected by tone and ten or of the immigration debate. that s what jeb bush and marco rubio warn the republican candidates to be aware of. on the rich thing, florida elected a very rich man to be governor in 2010. so the wealth argument to be used against mitt romney is not going to work. same with medicare fraud. governor rick scott headed a company after he left was fined a huge amount for medicare fraud. voters in the primary and general election still chose him for office. a slightly different electorate, but those attacks aren t working on mitt romney. mark ka putin oh of the miami herald, richard wolff. thank you. whether labeling romney a moderate or slamming him on romney care, he is down but not out and he is prepared to take this fight all the way. fact is on big, philosophical issues, he is for all practical purposes a liberal and i am a conservative and that s what