the day they measure, it turns out this year was worse than anybody dreamed. snow pack statewide came in this year at 5% of normal. not 5% below normal but 5% of normal. like 95% off. and that means that this is the fourth straight year of drought. and the worst of those four years probably. and we re likely heading into a fifth year of epic, epic drought as well. you re at the phillips snow course for the april 1st, 2015 measurement. and as you can clearly see, there s no snow at this location. and this is the first year in its measurements going back to 1942 where this snow course has been bare. no snow at all. and unfortunately, that s what we re finding more or less statewide, where upwards of 60% to 70% of the 240 manual snow
normal. like 95% off. and that means that this is the fourth straight year of drought. and the worst of those four years probably. and we re likely heading into a fifth year of epic, epic drought as well. you re at the phillips snow course for the april 1st, 2015, measurement. and as you can clearly see, there s no snow at this location. and this is the first year in its measurements going back to 1942 where this snow course has been bare. no snow at all. and unfortunately, that s what we re finding more or less statewide, where upwards of 60% to 70% of the 240 manual snow course measurements that are being made on or about april 1st are showing bare ground, no snow. and i just wanted to show you,
you can find something funny in this situation today, because things today got really real in california on the issue of water. they ve done something they ve never done before. today is the last day of california s traditional snow season, april 1st, every year, is the day they measure how much is in the california snow pack. it has huge implications of how much water is available for everything the state uses water for. today, every year, on april 1st, the day they measure, it turns out this year was worse than anybody dreamed. snow pack statewide came in this year at 5% of normal. not 5% below normal, but 5% of normal. like 95% off. and that means that this is the fourth straight year of drought. and the worst of those four years probably. and we re likely heading into a fifth year of epic, epic drought as well. you re at the phillips snow course for the april 1st, 2015, measurement.