Did you ever know ski who died in 2020 the 2 slips. He took up the leadership not wrong off to that, but he himself was a very experienced politician. Lets not forget, he was elected to the state duma in 1999. Hes been a appalled him entirely. And ever since then, he was part of the russian negotiating team in 2022, at the outset of the special ministry operation. Now hes spoken again about the, the publications having russia throughout the election campaign, of course, the attempts in belgrade. But he said that despite those, it was due to the russian people from exercising at that democratic rights to vote to set a times like this, russia becomes very united and you see that unity across the hold of this, a vast come see now, but his part he said in an interview with 3 and the most the that he doesnt dream of beating, allowed him a page. And he said that he, hes the probably the most influential politician in the world. His main focus is again on russian unity. Thats the very much th
About the store and you can use the solution key stairs. The thing is down with the, for when youre dealing with deal with the people we spoke to asking us thoughts on the destruction of monuments, tomato, and the soldiers in poland to crane in the Baltic States this women, a man and his date boys. The young girl, an officer, everyone had an opinion on something to say, well, almost everyone, but no one of them welcome to the facts, it monuments to the soldiers and that well with being demolished in neighboring countries. There are many reasons for that. Above all people who live in russia, one way or another, have a direct connection to those monuments. Because no one family or even person was bad from the terrible calamity we call war. Theres no one who doesnt have the blood of hero soldiers in front line fight as it never rains, or where it goes on the homefront who gave everything for the front. All those who died in camps in occupied lands, all who went missing old mounted a banne
People of the same opportunity to experience fishing the way i did. And thats the saddest thing about this industry. Were bickering and arguing over microphones. You know what Council Meetings are in the press. Who suffers the most is a little kid that might not have a chance to go fishing or pursue his dream. All these things are doing, my son are taking away from me. And they dont see that thats not in their pie charts and their flow charts and their circle graphs for scientists and their science. But i do the, the, the, the, the small coastal fishing communities. Do we even need the small mom and pop operators . I think a lot of people are concerned about this. The white, raging industry stories of the United States on one side are people with deep roots in coastal fishing communities on the other. Or the wealthy owners of industrial fishing operations, who use their political and economic power to dominate the industries. The losers in this battle were small scale fissures. The fis
Support African Development disability. But nigerians and now against new syrians, despite the trade relations and inter marriages, i look at it as western, sabotaged to drag us into wolf at one end while this sucking our resorts is at the other end. And im not done a lot. Yeah. I feel bad is only jerry knowledgeable. It is with closed down people, stranded in the price of commodities have skyrocketed by cool on both countries just to go back to the drawing board and pray for the situation 3. So one of the fee is coming out of africa is the economic turmoil, the continental phase. As a result of this cool non 0, yet at least a share board is another part is remain close to not jerry, with the jays cooling, does include land. Ford is and as a friendly to control, were still in the analysis of evening of borders to some a buzz, so people and goods come up against old jerry and media and shot. I went to an echo us as well as to echo as members, molly advocate and foster to support the cal
Expand the conflict outside of ukraines foreigners. But that my friends appears to not be true. According to the washington post, they are intercept to Digital Communications that reveal the president. So lensky is a leader with some aggressive instincts, in contrast to his public facing image as calm and statesman like. Now i want to share with you just some of the lensky comments made behind closed doors. That the us kind of gone an intel sources have already intercepted. Let me take you through some of these. So pete proposed occupying rushing villages to gain leverage over moscow and negotiations as he was overheard arguing for more long range missiles so that he can use them to hit targets inside rushes, borders. And get this in a meeting and mid february with his deputy Prime Minister mister zalinski made what may be his most worrisome threat when it comes to your p and nations. You see, when he discussed attacking a country which has a memory made. Oh, so in this conversation, s