Robertet SA
37 Avenue Sidi Brahim 06130 Grasse - France
Société anonyme au capital de 5 775 987 € Rcs Grasse B 415 750 660
Sales revenue
(in thousands of euros) 2021 2020 Change Change
The Robertet Group has appointed Jérôme Bruhat as Chief Operating Officer.
Jérôme Bruhat’s arrival in the General Management team is the result of a selection process carried out in 2021. This appointment is linked to the future dissociation of the functions of the group’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Philippe Maubert, which will take effect after the General Assembly scheduled for next June 2022. At that time, Philippe Maubert will assume the role of non-executive Chairman and Jérôme.
Grasse, February 1, 2022
Activity 2021
2021 was a good year: the Robertet Group's turnover reached 606 million euros, an increase of 12.7% (14.9% at constant exchange rates), and by division +12%
Robertet is to acquire Ecom Food Industries in a deal that serves to strengthen the French natural ingredient specialists’ botanically sourced product line for the sports and cosmetic industries.