Re: Ministers defend public hearings on coal mining, April 17
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The Alberta government recently released the framework for public hearings on open-pit coal mining in the Rocky Mountains, ‘responding’ to public furor over the proposal. Key issues around coal mining are landscape, water, air pollution, and public health – all of which are excluded from consideration. This government is wasting money on an exercise designed to provide cover for actions it is already committed to; we don’t need a new coal policy unless we are going to allow new mines. This is nothing but an exercise in public fraud.
Author of the article: Calgary Herald
Publishing date: Feb 05, 2021 • February 5, 2021 • 2 minute read • The silty waters of the Oldman River mix with the clear waters of the Bow to form the South Saskatchewan River at the Forks near Grassy Lake, Ab., on Tuesday September 20, 2016. Mike Drew/Postmedia Photo by Mike Drew /Mike Drew/Postmedia
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Re: High River seeks stop-work order on coal exploration in mountains, Feb. 2
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The sacred nature of the Oldman River to the Siksikaitsitapi or Blackfoot Confederation, especially the Piikani or Peigan, is well documented. Now ridges in the Upper Oldman watershed are being desecrated by companies such Atrum Coal and Cabin Ridge, with worse to possibly come. Since 2017, they have received permits from the AER to drill up to 5,600 wells from 2,100 well sites. No mention of how many kilo