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Former NSA cyber boss Philip Quade thinks cybersecurity teams need to make speed a higher priority.
Quade s outlined the NSA s strategy for offensive cyber operations in an online panel Wednesday.
Now chief cybersecurity officer at Fortinet, Quade has applied his experience to run cyber defenses.
Philip Quade has simple advice for cybersecurity teams across the world: Move fast to avoid breaking things.
Dec. 24, 2020 10:28 am ET | WSJ Pro
Hello. In our last edition of the year, we look at how enterprise businesses and Wall Street flocked to cloud-native cybersecurity companies during the coronavirus pandemic. The upshot, WSJ Pro’s David Uberti reports, is greater momentum for their bid to supplant larger and at-times more profitable vendors that also offer security tailored for physical offices. If you are figuring out what the new workplace looks like in 2021, watch these dynamics.
Also today: Travel company Sabre settles breach case; hackers chase Covid-19 vaccination distribution; Apple’s China app store sheds videogames; and three problems President-elect Biden faces in dealing with suspected Russian attack.