EU countries started inoculations at the end of December (Image: GETTY) And so I can certainly understand the high level of anxiety that would exist in Italy and in many countries across Europe.
Mr Draghi added the country was blocking a quarter of million doses because the drug manufacturer had failed to meet its EU contract commitments.
Lia Quartapelle, an Italian politician of the Democratic Party (PD), said the move was legal due to EU law.
He said today: I m amazed by the fact that the problem is that Italy bans the export and the problem is not AstraZeneca not delivering what is written in the contracts.
In December the leadership of the United Auto Workers reached a settlement with the Justice Department that opens the door to election of top union officers by referendum vote of the membership. That might well end more than 70 years of one-party control and help democratize a union once known for animated internal debate and competitive leadership contests. The settlement
This week in history: January 18-24
17 January 2021
25 years ago: Arafat wins Palestinian vote
On January 20, 1996, PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat and his al-Fatah party won the election held among residents of the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem. The electoral triumph confirmed Arafat’s role as the chief enforcer of Israeli dictates in the territories occupied by Israel since the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. Arafat won 88 percent of the vote for president of the Palestinian Council while his nominees took more than half the seats on the legislative body.
Turnout was heavy except in areas, mainly East Jerusalem and Hebron, where Israeli security measures kept Arab voters away from the polls. Most Arab residents of East Jerusalem, which the state of Israel had formally annexed, were required to travel to polling stations in the West Bank if they wished to vote. In Hebron, Israeli troops and heavily armed Zionist settlers blocked access to the polls through road block
The Dixie, iconic Petersburg restaurant, celebrates 100 years during pandemic
By: Wayne Covil , WTVR CBS 6 Web Staff
Posted at 2:20 PM, Jan 01, 2021
and last updated 2021-01-01 14:27:22-05
PETERSBURG, Va. The Dixie, an iconic restaurant in Old Towne Petersburg, Virginia, has been serving made to order hot food for 100 years.
The Dixie opened its doors in Petersburg when the Spanish flu pandemic was winding down in March of 1920. Just as the eatery was about to celebrate its centennial celebration, COVID-19 forced it to shutter in March of 2020. The restaurant business just kind of took a nosedive, Frannie Rawlings, co-owner of The Dixie, recalled.