Do a little showandtell from my own research work, and the timing of this turned out that doing something Historical Perspective on pandemic preparedness might seem like a really interesting topic for us to is discuss. And i think i have mentioned to you all that i have been getting a lot of calls from journalists lately, and its kind of like, why in the middle of an ongoing pandemic are they calling up people like me . So i think this is a good thing for us to talk about. This is a history methods course. Its about how you whoops, went too fast there. How you become a historian and what you do for a living. You may remember the first week of class we talked a little bit about the reaction sometimes you may get from family members when they hear youre a history major or minor or taking a history course. Why is this useful knowledge . Why are you bothering with all of this old stuff . I can tell you personally, i get those questions a lot because of my Research Specialty in the history
Review by Mike Glyer: Marty Cantor greatly admires Dave Langford's satirical novel, The Leaky Establishment. It's a story spun from Dave's experiences working at a British nuclear research establishment in the 1970s, although his fictionalized coworkers are so comically exaggerated and the things they do are so improbable that only their lawyers will recognize them.
Landscape architecture is having a moment. We take a look at paradigm shifts throughout the discipline's history and spotlight projects from our database.
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