Years, this is unlike anything i have seen. Having seen the path of devastation irma left behind in the caribbean. This is nature at its most fierce. We are on the sixth floor the flooding is amazing and the win and rain is bringing it through the sliding doors. And florida is preparing for a direct hit and miami sits right now in the bullseye. Floridians are running you of the necessities. The manager told us they dont have water in yet so ill pick up other nonperishable items and get prepared for the storm. Gas is running out everywhere right now, so im just a little too late trying to get it. Lines for water are wrapping around the block. I went to costco and they are sold out of water. And homeowners are scrambling to board up win doze. And many areas are under mandatory vacations near ford laut and miami. And the latest path has it moving up the coast of florida and slamming into the carolinas. But they urge that the storm is a couple of days from hitting the u. S. And these are o
The Birmingham Times
In any year, the deaths of great musicians, Hall of Fame athletes, elected officials, Civil Rights leaders, and others in the public arena are notable. But in 2020 one of the most bizarre years in history and certainly in recent memory those losses seem to take on even more significance. Added to a year of devastating pandemic, civil unrest, and political turmoil were the losses of individuals, young and old, who’ve had a meaningful impact on our lives. Some were well-known, others were not so well-known but they all will be missed. Here’s a list of notable deaths in 2020.