Commission and reply receptionist commission joint hearing for thursday, id like to remind the members of the audience that the commission does not tolerate disruptions of any kind. Proceedings. And when speaking before the commission, if you care to, do state your name for the record. I will note well be taking roll here shortly for the benefit of the public commissioners will be coming in and out of the chambers but viewing testimony in the executive chambers in the back the Live Telecast ill take id like to call roll at this time. Commissioner president fong commissioner Vice President richards commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner koppel commissioner melgar and commissioner moore now the rec and Park Department Public School commissioner president buell rec Park Commissioner low commissioner anderson commissioner bonilla commissioner harrison and commissioner mcdonnell. For the benefit of the public an overflow room and for those persons viewing in the light court y
Growing up the trees the image below is from the same vague point under the 39 scenario proposed in the plan. As you can see still green new trees that planted and a more healthy environment in glen canyon the maintenance and protection of trails including the peaks trail if you have not hiked it i recommend that and the protection and enhancement of the one of the last flowing he creeks in San Francisco as a way to illustrate what the smallscale recreation i have a series of images the beginning one showing eucalyptus trees with under story the removal of those trees the replanting one year after restoration and 5 years after restoration a thriving and diverse he creek system supporting many, many species of wildlife of plant i want to thank you for your attention that concludes my presentation. And im available for questions thank you. Good afternoon, commissioners im melinda in the Environmental Planning division of the Planning Department staff and joined by Lisa A Jessica senior e
Heard the arguments to close the golf course theyve heard our arguments to keep the golf course in balance yeah. Lets strike balance that is historic an important recreation no cost thats under the coastal act that is significance value it significant value under the ceqa as well because this is architectural history. I have only heard and ive not had a chance to look at the errata which speaks to something i will look through that and reserve the next 20 seconds i have in this case, i have a problem with that or ask that to be reserved with that, thank you over the years for your support and encourage you to continue to do that. Okay. Next speaker. Good afternoon. My name is phillip a 27 resident of the city im here today as a member of nature in the city to urge your actions before you today San Francisco and bayview are iconic Natural Beauty a mistake to resist those are great places for scores of plant and mammal species and provides safe and healthy recreation important to San Fra
December 8, 2016, item 2, 32 avenue discretionary review is proposed july january 2015 and items 3 ab potrero hill discretionary review and variance have been withdrawn commissioners further in the discretionary review authorization calendar item 13 Market Street discretionary review it has been withdrawn i have no other items proposed continuance and there are no speaker cards. Any Public Comment on the items proposed for continuance . Not seeing any, Public Comment is closed. And commissioner moore. Move to continue. Second. On that motion to continue items as proposed commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner koppel commissioner melgar commissioner moore and commissioner Vice President richards and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero and places us under commission matters consideration of drifts for october 2016. Any Public Comment on draft minutes not seeing any, Public Comment is closed. Commissioner moore. Move
Work on a but a sentence or two will help me understand and iron with the rest of the commission, but help me understand what that means. Because right now it could mean anything this oldtime unassociated with it and i dont know whether this is an important issue for the work that you do but i would suggest that given the fact that its being reported out it is very important to the work you do and that being the case, we need to lift up in a narrative form explanation of that. Thank you for saying that and you should know we actually struggle with that. Because when we first put this together we actually did the expiration of one by one and what we found it booked it was kind of gobbledygook because of basically for reasons. One was either either the Key Stakeholders still cannot come to consensus on a measure but agree with was not a national benchmark. Second was just the ability to validate the data get as you know we have 16 67 different iis systems and some of these have been requ