times you have everyone from the intelligence community or ic in the same room speaking publicly about the current threat picture and how the budgets should reflect that. sandra: very important. catherine, thank you. reporter: you re welcome. sandra: gop senators face a challenge of creating a bill that can win 50 votes in that chamber. well t senate will write its own bill. i don t think that the house bill necessarily predicts what is in the senate bill. and we have only 52 senators. there has to be consensus. if you need a scorore, it s goi to take weeks to get a score. first you need a product, then you have to get a score. sandra: joining me now chief correspondent for the washington examiner, also phil kurtpin, president of american commitment. susan, what does this look like when it makes its way through the senate? it basically starts from scratch for senators.
they re not gonna completely ignore what the house has done, but they told me they will be writing their own bill an trying to incorporate elements of the house passed bill into their bill. but it won t resemble exactly what the house has done. it s probably gonna look a lot different because you ve got a smaller majority there and it will be harder to get it across the finish line even than it was several attempts in the house. sandra: phil, the white house was just asked this question. sara huckabee sanders response was that they believe there will be some changes in the senate, but they expect the main pillars to remain. yeah. i think in broad strokes it will be similar to the house bill. one of the challenges when you deal with healthcare, all the pieces are interconnected. that s when they still have difficulty getting it over the finish line in the house when they started pulling on one provision it affected a lot of other things and started losing votes on the other side. i
time. it will be the next fiscal year. i think they are facing a hard deadline attend of the year. if they don t do this, they ll need 60 votes and then they ll need democrat, and that will be impossible. i think they ll get it done because they have to. because obamacare is failing. that s the back drop to this that s so crucial and so important. democrats are really in denial about how bad it is. we keep seeing headline after headline state obamacare market place collapse, premiums continuing to go up. that s i think what will get it done. sandra: phil, susan, thank you. thanks a lot. sandra: jobs appear to be rebounding with the labor department coming out with the big jobs report, reporting 211,000 jobs were added in april. the unemployment rate dropped to the lowest point that it s been in ten years. 4.4%. lori rothman, been a long time since we ve seen number hraoeubs
the premise of giving states flexibility. i have also floated senate ideas in the house. for example, some senators are talking ab giving states the tphresability to keep obamacare and auto enroll people in basic health care pharmacy plans. that s a big idea by senators cassidy and kol lynns. in the house, they hate that idea. this will be a heavy lift, no question. overriding factor that mccain pointed out that they want to get this done, that may help. but as you just heard from the house, phil, sara huckabee sanders saying we want healthcare reform right not fast. timing is still important. here s what senator john cornin had to say. quote, we re not under any deadline so we re going to take our time. what does that tell you? well, you know, they don t want to be forced to act before they ve got a product that they re comfortable with defending. that said, they do have a deadline here because they ve got a very full agenda. they want to move on to tax reform.