EXCLUSIVE: Alex Holland, 27, went missing from Deal in November 2021. In desperation, his devastated mother hired a psychic who made an eerily accurate prediction about where to find him.
Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor - Plans for Trinity park, the state of Texas, voting laws, two great vaccine sites, advice for Republicans, alcohol addiction
Readers are hopeful about Dallas’ plans for Trinity park, point out problems within the state, worry about voting laws, praise Texas Motor Speedway and Denton County for organized vaccine distribution, urge Republicans become united and praise the column on overcoming alcohol addiction.
Re: “With new leader, Trinity park vision has new hope,” by Sharon Grigsby, Wednesday Metro & Business column.
I have lived in the Dallas-Fort Worth area all but the five years I lived in Tulsa between 1999 and 2004. Tulsa’s Riverside Drive and park was a jewel before the Gathering Place was built. I would go out of my way to use it and enjoy the views of the original Riverside Park. On a visit to Tulsa awhile back, I spent a couple of hours in the Gathering Place on a cold, dreary day and was utterly entranced. A