Image courtesy of Freeman Technology
Figure 1: Particle-particle movement can be restricted by a) friction, b) mechanical interlocking, c) inter-particulate forces of cohesion and d) liquid bridging. The mechanisms that govern powder flowability are complex and create an ongoing challenge in predicting and controlling flow behavior.
Laura Shaw, Freeman Technology, and Jack Saad and Kara Bailey, Micromeritics Instrument Corp. | Feb 04, 2021
Flowability is a defining characteristic of powder intermediates and products. In manufacturing, powders with sub-optimal flow properties are a primary cause of blockages, plant shutdown, and inconsistent product quality. Equally importantly, flowability influences ease-of-use and performance for end-products as diverse as pharmaceuticals and foods, coatings, and metal powders. With the right powder tester, it is feasible to quantify and sensitively differentiate powder flowability under process-relevant conditions. B