Phebe Karen Beiser is a student of history and spent years working as a local librarian. So, it makes sense she's one of those leading the charge to preserve local LGBTQ+ history, from a room in the basement of a church in Clifton.
Throughout 2021, the Ohio History Connection has offered up a series of workshops called Where My Single Folk? that are all about finding those family members who never married or passed away unmarried, including those who might have been LGBTQ.
The exhibit is curated by Saad Ghosn and grew out of a workshop created by artist Jay DeFazio. His project Inside Out is a community-based art initiative celebrating the strength, beauty, and resiliency of transgender individuals. He helps workshop participants conceive and create mixed-media self portraits.
It can be abstract; it can be literal, DeFazio explains. It can be metaphorical; it can be words. This doesn t have to be representative of your entire life, this could be one aspect of who your are. Any part of your identity.
Untitled self portrait by Ashton Michael Lee.
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Twenty-eight artists contributed portraits for the exhibit. Each is paired with a description provided by the artist and a poem from a Greater Cincinnati poet reflecting on an individual piece.