automotive antifreeze solution, so this is very toxic, especially in children s cough syrup, so they said that because of this cough syrup contamination is global, which is the scarcity of pharmaceutical grade solvent used in cough syrup, but the crime is local, done by suppliers who relabel and supply it to the other suppliers and permissible companies indonesia. pharmaceutical companies in indonesia. pharmaceutical companies in indonesia- indonesia. valdya baraputri, thank you indonesia. valdya baraputri, thank you very indonesia. valdya baraputri, thank you very much - indonesia. valdya baraputri, thank you very much for - indonesia. valdya baraputri,j thank you very much for that update. you re watching newsday on the bbc. still to come on the programme: google announces its own ai chatbot known as bard that learns from real world information. applause i m so proud of both of you.