i think that we have to deal with for example, like i said, you have a circumstance where people are paying more for a pound of hamburger meat than they ever paid. one of the reasons is, you don t have many folks out there, ones with the big four controlling it all. so you ll see more and more we re going to move on this competition piece to allow more and more smaller operations to come in and be able to engage in providing buying and providing access to much cheaper meat than exists now. it s going to be a haul. as you i assume the reason you said i can t get build back better relates to what those 17 nobel laureate economists said, that if it would lower the impact on inflation, reduce inflation over time, et cetera. there s a lot that we have to do.
that s why 17 nobel prize winners for economics say it will ease long-term inflationary pressure. the bottom line, if price increases are what you are worried about, the best answer is my build back better plan. third thing we are going to do, promote competition. look, in too many industries a handsful of giant companies dominate the market in sectors like meat sproesing, railroad shipping and other areas. this is not a new issue. it s not the reason we have high inflation today. it is not the only reason. it has been happening for a decade. but over time, it has reduced competition, squeezed out small businesses farmers, ranchers, and increased the price for consumers. we ends up with an industry like the meat processing industry where four big companies dominate the markets. pay ranchers less for the cattle they grow, charge consumers more for beef, hamburger meat,
hamburger meat, whatever they are buying. prices are up. look, i am a capitalist. but capitalism without competition is not capitalism. it s exploitation. so i signed an executive order to tackle unfair competition in our economy. and we re going to continue to enforce it. along with working with congress where we can. i ll close with this. we have faced some of the biggest challenges that we ve ever faced in this country. these past few years. challenges to our public health. challenges to our economy. but we re getting through it. and not only are we getting through it, we re laying the foundation for a future where america wins the 21st century by creating jobs at a record pace. now we need to get inflation under control. we have developed an extraordinarily effective booster shots and antiviral pills. now i need to finish the job to get covid-19 under control.
you have a circumstance where people are paying more for a pound of hamburger meat than they ever paid. well, one of the reasons for that is you don t have that many folks out there that are ones that got the big four controlling it all. so you re going to see more and more, we re going to move on this competition piece, to allow more and more smaller operations to come in and be able to engage in providing buying and providing the access to much cheaper meat than exists now. but it s going to be a haul. and as you, i assume the reason you said if i can t get build back better, as it relates to what those 17 nobel laureate commits said that if we can pass it, it would actually lower the impact inflation over time. so there s a lot we have to do. it s not going to be easy but i think we can get it done, but
said, you have a circumstance where people are paying more for a pound of hamburger meat than they ever paid. one of the reasons for that is you don t have many folks out there that are ones that are you have the big four controlling it all. we are going to see more and more we are going to move on this competition piece to allow more and more smaller operations to come in and be able to engage in providing buying and providing the access to much cheaper meat than exists now. but it s going to be a haul. now as you i assume the reason you said if i can t get build back better relates to what those 17 nobel laureate economists said, that, if in fact we could pass it would actually lower the impact on inflation, reduce inflation over time, et cetera. so there s a lot we have to do. it s not going to be easy. but thing we can get it done. but it s going to be painful for