U.S. stocks traded higher midway through trading, with the Nasdaq Composite gaining around 100 points on Thursday. The Dow traded up 0.61% to 34,784.94 while the NASDAQ rose 0.71% to 13,911.78. The S&P 500, also rose, gaining, 0.64% to 4,495.82.
Logistics company GXO Logistics Inc (NYSE: GXO) has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire eCommerce order fulfillment provider PFSweb Inc (NASDAQ: PFSW) for $7.50 per share in cash, representin
U.S. stocks traded higher toward the end of trading, with the Nasdaq Composite gaining more than 100 points on Thursday. The Dow traded up 0.93% to 34,898.47 while the NASDAQ rose 0.75% to 13,917.44. The S&P 500, also rose, gaining, 0.77% to 4,501.69.
Shares of PFSweb, Inc. (PFSW) are up 48% on Thursday due to the company's announcement of an acquisition agreement with GXO Logistics, Inc. PFSW is trading on the Nasdaq at $7.