Condensed them into the last 24 hours. Total mess. Absolutely nuts, disgrace to our nation. Angry people. Highly conflicted. Total witch hunt, democratic thugs, pure harassment, horrible, protecting crooked hillary, illegal, even saw peter strzok in a cameo. We know a lot of folks in washington, a lot of yours reporters are bracing for the possibility of more indictments sooner rather than later, especially after one of roger stones associates said investigators told him he will be charged with purerk re. Muellers grand jury meets fridays. A source says he was about to submit answers to questions. We dont know what the answers say, the president does, and he really knows now what the questions are. Sounded irritated by the questions. We know the president has mueller on the brain when it comes to the new acting attorney general. When asked about the quote, current thinking on the ag position, in an interview with the daily caller it was clearly about who he would nominate to be the nex
Infection and sometimes even suffocation one organization in the Southern City of the cherry is trying to change this and create a safe ecosystem for the marine life in its surrounding seas. Fishing nets one of the most essential possessions of fishermen are now proving to be their biggest enemy. May be the norm which is not biodegradable these nets attached to large strollers are relatively recent departure from the more Sustainable Practices of traditional fishing dragged along the ocean to catch everything in their path. If thats even it dragging over that if it was stuck and also if you need to damage it go to break the code it is damaging the water sometimes it is stuck really very hard to try to pull in it it wont come out so what they do they cut the need and growing so that theyd go and sit alone the bottom of that if that made goes like fine then we did some grow some was like two and we did some work like a kilometer that depends on the whole the whole file they cut down a. L
Cross is future proofing me against landslides and how an organization in mumbai is helping indian women to break free from menstruation topples. Lets zoom in on an issue that has a deep impact on our marine life often when fishermen abandon their fishing nets in the ocean their drac to the board to entangling fish dolphin sea turtles and many other creatures in them on evil to release them so they die from starvation infection and sometimes even suffocation one organization in the Southern City of port a charity is trying to change this and create a safe ecosystem for the marine life in its surrounding seas. Fishing nets one of the most essential possessions of fishermen are now proving to be their biggest enemy. Maybe not long which is not biodegradable these nets attached to large trailers are relatively recent departure from the more Sustainable Practices of traditional fishing dragged along the ocean to catch everything in their path. If thats even it dragging over the if it was s