Exhibition features a series of new portraits, still lives, and a single landscape by Arcmanoro Niles
Arcmanoro Niles, I Miss The Boy I Once Had Time To Be (Last Night I Dreamed I Did The Things I Don t Do Now), 2020. Oil, acrylic, glitter on canvas, 36 x 54 x 1.5 inches. 91.4 x 137.2 x 3.81 cm. Courtesy the artist and Lehmann Maupin, New York, Hong Kong, Seoul, and London.
.-Lehmann Maupin is presenting Hey Tomorrow, Do You Have Some Room For Me: Failure Is A Part Of Being Alive, the gallerys first exhibition with New York-based painter Arcmanoro Niles. Featuring a series of new portraits, still lives, and a single landscape, this exhibition continues the artists critical investigation into the function and form of historically revered genres in painting. Niles is best known for his vivid, brightly-hued canvases that illustrate the seemingly mundane aspects of daily life―a man about to get into his car, a father and daughter sitting on their stoop with their d