Marathon Petroleum (NYSE:MPC – Get Rating) announced its quarterly earnings data on Tuesday. The oil and gas company reported $6.09 EPS for the quarter, beating the consensus estimate of $5.23 by $0.86, reports. Marathon Petroleum had a return on equity of 41.55% and a net margin of 8.07%. The business had revenue of $35.08 […]
Arizona State Retirement System lowered its position in shares of Occidental Petroleum Co. (NYSE:OXY – Get Rating) by 0.4% during the 4th quarter, according to the company in its most recent filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission. The institutional investor owned 253,806 shares of the oil and gas producer’s stock after selling 947 shares […]
Marathon Petroleum (NYSE:MPC – Get Rating) released its quarterly earnings results on Tuesday. The oil and gas company reported $6.09 EPS for the quarter, topping analysts’ consensus estimates of $5.23 by $0.86, reports. The business had revenue of $35.08 billion for the quarter, compared to analyst estimates of $35.17 billion. Marathon Petroleum had a […]
Permex Petroleum Co. (OTCMKTS:OILCF – Get Rating) was the target of a significant decline in short interest in the month of April. As of April 15th, there was short interest totalling 2,300 shares, a decline of 55.8% from the March 31st total of 5,200 shares. Based on an average daily volume of 7,400 shares, the […]
Occidental Petroleum Co. (NYSE:OXY – Get Rating) has received a consensus rating of “Hold” from the twenty-four ratings firms that are presently covering the firm, reports. Two analysts have rated the stock with a sell recommendation, ten have issued a hold recommendation, six have given a buy recommendation and one has given a strong […]