Petrol and diesel prices came down by Rs. 5 and Rs. 10 after the central government exempted the excise duty. According to a price notification from state-owned fuel retailers.
Petrol and diesel prices rose to their highest levels in the country on Saturday. This is the third day in a row that petrol and diesel prices have risen. In the last three weeks, this is the 15th increase in petrol and the 18th time that diesel prices have been increased. According to a price notification from state-owned fuel retailers, the petrol prices increased by Rs 35
Petrol and diesel prices continue to surge across the country after their prices were raised for second consecutive day by the country's largest fuel retailer Indian Oil.
After Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Maharashtra, petrol prices have gone up in almost all districts of Andhra Pradesh, and in a few parts of Telangana.