[ male announcer ] help brazil reduce its overall reliance on foreign imports with the launch of theountry s largest petrochemical operation. when emerson takes up the challenge, it s never been done before simply becomes consider it solved. emerson.
[ male announcer ] help brazil reduce its overall reliance on foreign imports with the launch of theountry s largest petrochemical operation. when emerson takes up the challenge, it s never been done before simply becomes consider it solved. emerson.
with the launch of theountry s largest petrochemical operation. when emerson takes up the challenge, it s never been done before simply becomes consider it solved. emerson.
[ male announcer ] help brazil reduce its overall reliance on foreign imports with the launch of theountry s largest petrochemical operation. when emerson takes up the challenge, it s never been done before simply becomes consider it solved. emerson.
[ banker ] sydney needed some financial guidance so she could take her dream to the next level. so we talked about her options. her valuable assets were staying. and selling her car wouldn t fly. we helped sydney manage her debt and prioritize her goals, so she could really turn up the volume on her dreams today.and tomorrow. so let s see what we can do about that. remodel. motorcycle. [ female announcer ] some questions take more than a bank. they take a banker. make a my financial priorities appointment today. because when people talk, great things happen. [ male announcer ] help brazil reduce its overall reliance on foreign imports with the launch of theountry s largest petrochemical operation. when emerson takes up the challenge, it s never been done before simply becomes consider it solved. emerson.