How does a small team of public policy experts manage to make their voice heard in order to influence proposals for new regulations and make an impact within an ever-changing tech, media, and political environment? Tune in and gain insights into the exciting work our experts Petra Wikström, Director of Public Policy, and Anna Sööder, Public Policy Specialist, do every day.
As Uncle Sam continues to clamp down on Big Tech, Apple pelted with more and more complaints from third-party App Store devs
El Reg lends our ear to companies and developers struggling to survive in Apple s cruel, cruel App Store world
Katyanna Quach Thu 31 Dec 2020 // 16:00 UTC Share
Special Report Google, Apple, Amazon, and Facebook, currently dealing with antitrust investigations from governments and fending off lawsuits from their disgruntled customers, appear to be finally facing their moment of truth: Has Big Tech gotten too big?
The US Department of Justice (DoJ) sued Google in October, accusing it of “unlawfully maintaining monopolies through anticompetitive and exclusionary practices” for its online search and advertising businesses. Now all eyes are turning to Uncle Sam’s potential next target: Apple.