operation. in concept and execution. it was wrong. it was a huge public safety concern and it remains a huge public safety concern. and just as josephine said, our worst fear is to open up the paper or to read a news story where another border patrol agent has been killed or injured with an operation fast and furious weapon. in addition, two fast and furious guns were found at a crime scene in mexico. the atf phoenix office sought to shut up the fast and furious connection. quote, my thought, agent english writes, is not to release any information. the following month when terry was killed broke the e-mail back. ugh, things will most likely get ugly. tu attorney general holder has refused to turn over documents. william newell denies there ever was a plan or tactic to walk guns. and a recent investigation by fortune magazine concurs. that report, though, sharply disputed. the justice department calls it a repeat of theories advanced for the past year and a half. congressm
simply seizing firearms purchased from mexican drug cartels by so-called straw buyers throughout the southwest. instead, says the report, fast and furious was part of a plan to let those buyers and the guns walk in hopes of identifying and busting entire gun running networks. instead, fast and furious guns began turning up at crime scenes in mexico and here at home, including the killing of u.s. border agent brian terry in 2010 right before christmas. his death came at the end of a long chain of mistakes starting at gun shops it the gun dealers were reassured atf was closely monitoring the transactions and interdicting the weapons. the report focuses sharply on this man. william newell. the republican investigators concluding that agent newell authorized and endorsed fast and furious and let it continue long after atf had the goods on the straw buyers. bill newell had the ability and the duty to end operation fast and furious much sooner than it did. instead, the report state
firearms purchased from mexican drug cartels by so-called straw buyers throughout the southwest. instead, says the report, fast and furious was part of a plan to let those buyers and the guns walk in hopes of identifying and busting entire gun running networks. instead, fast and furious guns began turning up at crime scenes in mexico and here at home, including the killing of u.s. border agent brian terry in 2010 right before christmas. according to the report, agent terry s death came at the end of a long chain of mistakes starting at gun shops. quoting from the report, gun dealers were reawe sured aft was closely monitoring the transactions and interdicting the weapons. that was false. the report focuses sharply on this man. william newell. former agent in charge of the field office in phoenix. republican investigators concluding that agent newel authorized, encouraged and endorsed fast and furious and let it continue long after atf had the goods on the straw buyers. quotin
missteps, poor judgment and an inherent ly reckless strategy. that strategy was to go beyond simply seizing firearms purchased from mexican drug cartels by so-called straw buyers throughout the southwest. instead, says the report, fast and furious was part of a plan to let those buyers and the guns walk in hopes of identifying and busting entire gun running networks. instead, fast and furious guns began turning up at crime scenes in mexico and here at home, including the killing of u.s. border agent brian terry in 2010 right before christmas. according to the report, his death came at the end of a long chain of mistakes starting at gun shops. the gun dealers were reassured atf was closely monitoring the transactions and interdicting the weapons. that was false. the report focuses sharply on this man. william newell. the republican investigators concluding that agent newell authorized and endorsed fast and furious and let it continue ng after atf had the goods on the straw buy
instead, says the report, fast and furious was part of a plan to let those buyers and the guns walk in hopes of identifying and busting entire gun running netwks. instead, fast and furious guns began turning up at crime scenes in mexico and here at home, including the killing of u.s. border agent brian terry in 2010 right before christmas. according to the report, his death came at the end of a long chain of mistakes starting at gun shops. the gun dealers were reassured atf was closely monitoring the transactions and interdicting the weapons. that was false. the report focuses sharply on this man. william newell. the republican investigators concluding that agent newell authorized and endorsed fast and furious and let it continue long after atf had the goods on the straw buyers. quoting again from their report. bill newell had the ability and the duty to end operation fast and furious much sooner than it did. instead, the report states, it ended as a reaction to a foreseeable