The management team of Brian Wilson has petitioned to place him in a conservatorship because of his mental decline and the recent death of his wife, Melinda.
Fair Haven Democrats will get to pick between two different candidates for Ward 15 alder this September, now that incumbent Ernie Santiago and challenger…
Covid 19 coronavirus: Events sector seeks fair go treatment with big malls during level 2 responses
6 Apr, 2021 05:28 AM
3 minutes to read
The $5 billion a year exhibition industry, which includes events like the Hutch Wilco New Zealand Boat Show, has been hit hard by Covid. Photo / File
The $5 billion a year exhibition industry, which includes events like the Hutch Wilco New Zealand Boat Show, has been hit hard by Covid. Photo / File
The $5 billion a year exhibition industry, on its knees due to Covid-19 restrictions, has petitioned the Government for events to have the same opening rights as mega-malls have during level 2 lockdowns.
The Country - Petition edition
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The Country
On with the show:
Jane Smith:
Is a North Otago farmer and environmentalist who reckons objects in the rear vision mirror are closer than they appear , as she ponders what s in store for 2021.
Pita Alexander:
Is a Christchurch accountant of 50 years standing, a globe-trotting raconteur and a very wise man. Today we look at his latest crystal ball gazing offering; What does the future hold for New Zealand and its people?
Tom Young:
We ask Affco s national livestock manager to explain the pricing differential between Australian and New Zealan meat prices, plus we announce the winners of the five x $200 Affco meat packs and The Country cooler bags.