few days? it s a luxury boutique hotel, staying in a room for $400 a night, a very nice place but from all accounts he did not leave his hotel room except for pass three occasions, he ordered room service, put pillows up against the door because he was concerned about eavesdropping when he was on his computer, he d put a hood over himself and over the computer in case there were cameras inside the room, according to the guardian journalist who spoke to him. this is somebody who knows that authorities obviously are now looking for him. he has left that location. this is the city of 7 million people. it is a huge place so he could be anywhere. anna, thank you. snowden supporters posting a petition for snowden on the white house website, the petition creator calls snowden a national hero who should be granted full, free and absolute pardon. so far about 43,000 people have signed up. the white house does not respond