Awake is the latest thriller on Netflix and this one is about mass insomnia. Here is the Awake ending explained - what caused insomnia and is there a cure?
Jane the Virgin s Gina Rodriguez as Jill, a former soldier turned drug-dealing mom who s lost custody of her two children, Matilda and Noah, to their grandmother.
The synopsis reads: Global hysteria ensues after a mysterious catastrophe wipes out all electronics and takes away humanity s ability to sleep. Scientists race against the clock to find a cure for the unexplained insomnia before its fatal effects eliminate the human race. When Jill discovers her young daughter may be the key to salvation, she must decide whether to protect her children at all costs or sacrifice everything to save the world. Insomnia is an illness that has been explored countless times in films it is rife with metaphoric symbolism and practical impacts and makes good fodder for film.