“There’s been so much work that’s been done since last year,” said Assistant Town Administrator and Director of Public Works Seth MacLean, speaking on the proposed fire station project on Elm Street.At Town Meeting last year, voters approved a $1.3.
Saturday’s 28th annual Children and the Arts Festival in Peterborough included the annual parade down Peterborough’s Main and Grove streets at noon. The festival had a theme of “Things That Go VROOM!” and the program featured cars, trucks, planes,.
Last month, Doug Whitney of Peterborough became a member of the Six Star Finishers Hall of Fame when he completed the London Marathon, the last of the Abbott World Marathon Majors.Whitney first began running in 1998, and he has run 13 marathons. Of.
The Grand Monadnock Rotary Club will hold the first Cruz-In event of the year Sunday, May 21, from 9 to 11 a.m. in the Depot Square parking lot in downtown Peterborough.The event is open to all makes and models of vintage or special-interest cars,.
Second of a series of articles leading up to Monadnock Community Hospital’s 100th anniversary celebration June 3.On June 21, 1923, the front page of the Peterborough Transcript proudly proclaimed: The Peterborough Hospital, which opens its doors to.