Seize the day, or carpe diem as it is said in Latin.Do you know who your legislators are? Or do you know on which committees they serve? What are their ideas and opinions and what are their plans for voting on particular bills? A democracy allows.
The Peterborough Folk Music Society has scheduled a variety of upcoming concerts, starting with Le Vent Du Nord at the Park Theatre in Jaffrey on March 31. The award-winning band Le Vent du Nord is a leading force in Québec’sFrancophone folk movement..
Moscow-born Nickolay Manuylov, aka “Kuk,” began his career as an underground artist in Stalin’s USSR.It was an era when the art that Kuk, his late wife Lidiya Kirillova, and other nonconforming artists made was illegal. The mythological and esoteric.
According to Emily Kerylow, director of operations at Monadnock Humane Society in Swanzey, “The year of 2020 was unprecedented.”She said “adoptions were through the roof,” and in addition to adopting pets, more people were fostering. “The bright side.
During its second round of state-mandated testing, 148 out of 552 samples from the ConVal School District’s 11 schools contained levels of lead above the state maximum of 5 parts per billion (ppb).As part of its “Get the Lead Out” program, the state.