movement. with instant iconic status. the pepper spraying cop became an online mime, started showing up all over the place. people inserting him in historic image, pop culture settings. the day after that happened, the very next day, the day after the pepper spraying, there was an almost equally resonant that happened on campus in response. the chancellor of the school who sent in the police to break-up the occupy protest on campus, gave a press conference about the pepper spray. students who came to listener take part were not allowed in the building. in the midst of confusing reports about public safety concerns and the chancellor may be being intimidated by the presence of the students, what ultimately happened is the students gathered outside and this is the way they protested when the chancellor emerged. this was an emotional, intense time on the campus. and in that context, in that environment, the silent protest, students lining that walk there, not saying anything to
pepper spraying cop became an online mime. he showed up all over the place. people started inserting him in historic images, pop culture settings. the day after that happened, the very next day, the day after the pepper spraying, there was an almost equally resonant that happened in response. the chancellor of the school, who sent in the police to break-up the occupy protest on campus, gave a press conference about the pepper spraying. students who came to listen or take part in the press conference were not allowed in the building. and in the midst of confusing reports about public safety concerns, and the chancellor maybe being intimidated by the presence of the students, what ultimately happened the students gathered outside and this is the way they protested when the chancellor emerged. this was an intense time on the campus, and in that context, in that environment, silent protest, students lining that walk there, not saying anything to the chancellor, was a resonant and