hillary clinton. we haven t even gotten to what do these people do to try and stop donald trump from becoming president. after that, it s what did these people do to try and prevent donald trump from being president after he already was in office or still at the very early stages of why was hillary exonerated. was it for political reasons, mike horowitz says there s plenty politics but made a legal decision on hillary. i disagree with the decision, i don t know if the politics are there, i will give the benefit of the doubt to horowitz. rob: that s just the hillary investigation. we have the whole thing spinning off into horowitz looking into the mueller investigation and whether or not peter strzok took what a lot of people take weak evidence in dossier and at least tried i don t think i know you want me to answer this, i don t think whatever hops to strzok
clinton went down highly partisan people wore on shirt sleeves did not necessarily put it a blindfold on looking for justice. do you think the investigation in trump russian matter is complete cup beyond repair if so what is to be done about it? well, what you really need is nunez chairman house technology committee trey gowdy chairman of the committee that i used to chair if revitalize committee trey is also, on the intel committee they have been asking for access to personnel and documents for months on end, and fbi, justice department not cooperating with any congressional investigators very, very suspicious i do about the sea any reason why they can t one other former colleague from if ohio i think pulled thread on this specificonspirac fbi director wray concocted this i think is true, peter
such an interesting figure, he s the lynchpin, he worked on clinton investigation as well as the early stages of russia probe. reports that he was escorted out of fbi headquarters. the indications are at this point that he still has a job but that generally bode well for one s career, during lengthy yesterday in capitol hill, the justice department inspector general confirmed that strock is part of another investigation looking into possible bias at the fbi. the ig had reported that strzok sent a text message to another fbi employee saying that donald trump will not win presidency because he said, quote, we will stop it. and these exact same fbi agents and attorneys prejudged the outcome of the russia investigation before it even began. do you believe this text shows political bias?
i think as we found it it clearly shows bias state of mind. if so do you believe the political bias by the text had effect on the initiation russia investigation? i think as you know, mr. chairman, that s a matter we have under review and are looking at right now. all right, well, strzok could face issues here. here is what his attorney wrote in usa today. pete and others at the fbi went out to prevent leaks and weeks before the election actively ensured that news reports did not overplay the seriousness of the investigations. these aren t actions of partisan conspirator, as for strzok s current stage, attorney says he remains a proud fbi agent. rob and jillian. jillian: fascinating to see if we do hear from him, thank you. rob: after meeting with house republicans, president trump pledging full support for both republican immigration bills but democrats are vowing to derail