Stories that slip from the ordinary to the strange by a renowned Swiss writer. "It s Getting Dark: Stories" by Peter Stamm, translated from the German by Michael Hoffmann; Other Press
Stories that slip from the ordinary to the strange by a renowned Swiss writer. "It s Getting Dark: Stories" by Peter Stamm, translated from the German by Michael Hoffmann; Other Press
Stories that slip from the ordinary to the strange by a renowned Swiss writer. "It s Getting Dark: Stories" by Peter Stamm, translated from the German by Michael Hoffmann; Other Press
Stories that slip from the ordinary to the strange by a renowned Swiss writer. "It s Getting Dark: Stories" by Peter Stamm, translated from the German by Michael Hoffmann; Other Press
If you re reading this: Congratulations! You ve made it to the first semi-post-pandemic holidays and almost to the end of a tough year. What better way to escape from — or