president biden continues to blame russia inflation continues to sore near a 40 year high. this is no laughing matter. every i do life is less affordable under joe biden. multi million dollars mansion burning to the ground as a fast moving wildfire rangetion the coast line. not looking good. every other house is on fire. he scores! it s a power play goal and the rangers lead. working for a living working working for a living living and working i m taking what they re giving because i m working for a living. brian: rays were 25 minutes away from starting vacation. they went game 6 tomorrow night. looking at frederick maryland everyone there is alive for the most part. steve: for the most part. brian: brian get a lot of history there. local breweries and a lot of wineries. a lot of drinking to be done there and a lot of partying with a wonderful landscape. steve: 1 minute after 6:00 a.m. and already talking about quitting time. ainsley: tomorrow
the good old days. wondering how things men s suits up. plane tickets up. hotels. fuel oil. the penn wharton school did a study. they found it s costing all of us $300 per month extra. they say the harris poll said 84% of you, americans, are cutting back on key purchases. key purchases. that s going to further affect the economy president of the united states to come out and say i blame this on trump, i blame this on putin i blame this on the pandemic and pass build back better, it s printing money. getting us here. instead of blaming everything everybody fix the problem. brian: be a leader. ainsley: right. peter put that graphic up 1.4 at the beginning of his
more about the gunman s family and the mother did have all of these weapons legally registered and all the guns used in the shooting at least according to one report were registered to the shoot s mother. and was pulled out of the high school and home schooled and we know he struggled with the school system and we don t know why, a battle back and forth between the school system and the parents of the shooter, we don t know why yet. alisyn: the father of the shooter, his name is peter put out a statement in which he said our hearts go out to the family and friends who lost loved ones and to all of those injured and are families briefi grieving along with those who were injured, our family is grieving along with all those who have been affect by this enormous tragedy and trying to
situation that s changed in the last couple of minutes, so be it. but as far as the planes in philadelphia they have not yet been cleared according to the spokesperson at ups that i ve just spoken with in the last couple of minutes. megyn: we are trying to monitor all of this. reporter: moving parts. megyn: it s very fluid. bear with us, folks. we are trying to do the best for you we can, we don t want to give you misinformation. harris continue working your sources. peter new man is the terrorism expert at kings college in london and he s in our washington d.c. bureau. peter put in perspective for us if you can what we re hearing today. the u.s. is saying now according to a u.s. official that the u.s. is vetting whether this was, quote, a dry run for a mail bomb plot. absolutely. and i think that is the most likely explanation. i think it s particularly important to listen carefully to what the british authorities have said here. they said it s not a bomb, but it s a sinister devi