– The movement of the coffin
The slow crunch of gravel could be heard underfoot as eight Grenadier Guards stepped cautiously forward in unison, mastering the unenviable task of moving the duke’s coffin on to his Land Rover hearse.
The Duke of Edinburgh’s coffin, covered with his personal standard, is carried ahead of the funeral (Chris Jackson/PA)
The coffin was draped in Philip’s 12ft personal standard – with blue lions and red hearts on a yellow background representing Denmark and the arms of the City of Edinburgh among the four quarters.
It was adorned by a wreath of white, spring flowers selected by the Queen, with a handwritten private message, and the duke’s Admiral of the Fleet naval cap and sword.
Key moments at the Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral
The Duke of Edinburgh’s coffin (Arthur Edwards/The Sun/PA)
Here are some of the key moments from the Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral.
– The movement of the coffin
The slow crunch of gravel could be heard underfoot as eight Grenadier Guards stepped cautiously forward in unison, mastering the unenviable task of moving the duke’s coffin on to his Land Rover hearse.
The Duke of Edinburgh’s coffin, covered with his personal standard, is carried ahead of the funeral (Chris Jackson/PA)
The coffin was draped in Philip’s 12ft personal standard – with blue lions and red hearts on a yellow background representing Denmark and the arms of the City of Edinburgh among the four quarters.