Getting that from the administration, correct . Guest no. I am glad to see that briefings are taking place, but if you look at the briefings, they are very short events. They are almost always less than half an hour. Sometimes no more than 15 minutes, and they have fallen into a pattern where there is kind of an opening monologue that is meant to, you know, either attack the people in that room, the reporters in that room and the news organizations, or to promote some political issue that the president is harping on. And then they closed in kind of precisely the same way. And it almost seems to me that the purpose of the briefing is, one, to promote the president s political prospects, and, and to, to go on the attack against reporters instead of trying to inform reporters. In your article, your essay, you point out one exchange in which you asked the press secretary about the president s tweet regarding nascar, lets watching a reaction. What is the president s position . Does he think