new york yankees in 1955 the yankees are still in business and the brooklyn dodgers are gone. the united states, for example, has a healthcare system that is heavily subsidized by the government, very badly that costs about $8,000 per person to keep people somewhat healthy. the germans have a better healthcare system that covers every german, that only costs $4,000 a year. their workers are better trained than ours, and they don t spend lots of money sending their kids off to state universities where they basically learn to dislike their parents and study art history and then emerge with something that is not very useful to do. jon: aren t you a university professor, peter? no one knows the whale is sick better than someone who lives in his stomach. jon: oh, boy. peter morisi, always interesting to talk to you. thanks for that. jenna: he puts it in such a unique way. jon: yes, he does. jenna: right? we appreciate it always. jon: interesting points. jenna: this is one of the few polic
medicines. so it sounds like when congress comes back next week, they re going to have the fda sit down, perhaps some industry and try to sort this problem out. jon? jon: yeah, let s hope they can get it figured out. that sounds pretty bad. mike emanuel, thank you. jenna: fox business alert on a hot issue concerning china. a lot is made of china owning debt in our country, but now there s a big debate over whether china mayo thousands of american investors trillions of dollars. joining us now, fox business network s peter barnes. peter, you re not one of those investors, are you? reporter: no, i m not, jenna, but i ve been digging deep into this very interesting story. china issued government bonds before world war ii, but it defaulted on them after japan invaded china in 1937. now with america s debt to china topping a trillion dollars, a group of american investors is demanding china pay up claiming its holdings are worth billions
droid does. and does it laun apps by voice while learning your voice ? launch cab4me. droid does. keep left at the fork. does it do turn-by-turn navigation ? droid does. with verizon, america s largest 4glte network and motorola, whater you want to do. droid does. jon: a crucial vote coming this weekend that could impact the global economy. voters in greece are deciding on a new government, and whether to stick with sweeping budget cuts, or just reject the calls for austerity. our shakey economy largely tied to the troubles in europe. some economists say we need to be less like greece and more like germany. peter morisi is a professor of economics at the university of maryland, also former chief economickist for the
interest for b.p. to be a strong company. obama administration wants b.p. to pay off the claim and maintain strength as a company. that s partly why they helped set up the escrow fund to create certainty for investors to make the stock prices go up again. they don t want the company to fail. it s absolutely in our interest for the company to stay strong, but it is also in our interest to make sure that the companies doing inherently risky activity like deepwater drilling are held responsible for it. brian: peter, once again, is there a concern, though, that b.p. as a weakened company might not be in the best national security interest? it s in our security interest to weaken b.p. more than necessary to get out the legitimate claims. i m in favor of getting b.p. to pay up for the damage it s done but i don t think b.p. should have to compensate for irrelassal decision struck irrational decision struck down in court twice to cease drilling and compensate all other workers on all ot
earlier in week, tony hayward, ceo of b.p., had meeting of government officials in abu dhabi. that stirred up chatter that they re looker for middle eastern buyers or investors. b.p. says they re not up for sale, but amid this, concern in some quarters obama administration hit b.p. so hard the stock dropped so much we re forcing british petroleum to become another mideast oil company. is it in the best national security interest? after all, b.p. is currently one of the biggest suppliers of our imported oil. by the way, we get 64% of the oil from sources outside of this country. here with us, is peter morisi, and kate gordon, vice president of energy policy at the center for american progress. thank you for joining us this saturday. start with you. are we pushing b.p. too hard and is this company in such bad shape it needs to go to